Our Markets!
We have 3 wonderfully different markets for you to experience and enjoy. Whether it's early spring, the heat of summer, a crisp fall morning, or a snowy winter day, we have markets year round to keep you connected to Maine's farms and eating healthy!
If it can be grown or produced in Maine, you'll find it at the Portland Farmers' Market. We offer farm products exclusively and you can trust that EVERYTHING at our market was grown and produced in the great state of Maine. Our market has been in existence since 1768 and we are proud to continue to offer the Portland Community a place to come together and enjoy the bounty of Maine's harvest!

Deering Oaks Park, Saturdays
April 25- November 21 2020: 7am-1pm
From Late April to Thanksgiving, Deering Oaks Park is the scene for cooks, eaters, and gardeners looking for fresh farm products on a Saturday morning. Serious shoppers come as early as 7am to peruse the agricultural showcase representing up to 38 farms. Surrounded by one of Portland’s largest green spaces, this Farmers’ Market has a relaxed weekend feel. Folks shop and chat, catching up with friends and neighbors as they fill their wagons and shopping bags with food and other farm products, all grown, raised, and produced in Maine.
The market in Deering Oaks is an excellent opportunity to meet the people who grow the food that greater Portland eats. Chefs frequent the market to load up on local food and flowers and to connect to Maine’s changing seasons.
Some highlights of the Market’s offerings include vegetables, fruit, herbs, herb plants, berries, honey, maple syrup, jam, jelly, cut flowers, rose plants, vegetable seedlings, milk, cheese, yogurt, goat cheese, hanging baskets, beef, pork, lamb, goat meat, chicken, turkey, bacon, sausage, fiber, perennial plants, eggs, pickles, fermented foods like kim chi, sauerkraut, and so much more!

Monument Square, Wednesdays
April 29 November 25, 2020 7am-1pm
**Please note, during the COVID-19 emergency, our regular Wednesday market will take place in Deering Oaks Park in order to provide greater distance between farmers.
Wednesday is shopping day for Downtown Portland and the Islands of Casco Bay. Up to 29 farms converge on Monument Square each week - from 7am to 1pm- to offer their array of agricultural products, always grown in Maine, always in tune with the season’s best offerings. Nestled between the Portland Public Library and One City Center, and surrounded by coffee shops, restaurants, and bakeries, this urban market’s hustle and bustle brings excitement to shopping for food, plants, and flowers.
Some highlights of the seasonal offerings include vegetables, fruit, herbs, herb plants, berries, honey, maple syrup, jam, jelly, cut flowers, rose plants, vegetable seedlings, milk, cheese, yogurt, goat cheese, hanging baskets, beef, pork, lamb, goat meat, chicken, turkey, bacon, sausage, perennial plants, eggs, pickles, even fermented foods like kim chi and sauerkraut!
A few vendors sell at the Square year-round, but you’ll find the most farmers at Wednesday market from late April to the day before Thanksgiving. This market is a routine destination for office professionals, families, chefs, caterers, and all the folks living or working in Portland who want to meet the people who grow their food and learn the story of where their food came from and how it was grown.

Winter Farmers' Market, Saturdays
December 5, 2020- April 17, 2021
631 Stevens Ave (The Maine Girls Academy)
The Portland Farmers' Market goes year round through the winter. Starting the first Saturday in December and going through the second to last Saturday in April.
You will find root and storage veggies, greenhouse greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, dry beans and corn, Maine grown flour and oats, pies, honeys, jams, jellies, pickles, mushrooms, pesto, meats of all kinds ...pork, beef, veal, lamb, chicken, turkey and duck, cows milk and goats milk dairy products including raw milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir and butter, mushrooms, herbs and herbal products, baked goods and breads, maple syrup and candies, apples, cider, salsas and lots more!
Our new location has plenty of easy parking, is accessible by public transportation, and lots of elbow room to shop! As always, cash, credit card, debit card, and SNAP/EBT are welcome!
Do all your shopping through the winter on Saturdays at the Portland Farmers' Market!